About Us

Our owners have been in the textile and garment industry in Trinidad and Tobago for over 23 years and have pioneered the clothing reatil business with their chain of Catwalk Clothing Stores. The goal then was very simple, to produce great quality garments at the most affordable prices and pass these savings on to their customers.

Well 2020 has given us a lot to think about and we really think the time is right to re-enter the market but with some major changes to achieve these same goals.

One of the main ways we intend to do this is to sell our merch online only, without the burden of exorbitant rents and other high dollar overheads we can push the envelope once again to give you these unbelievable prices. Another key factor in keeping prices low is to leverage our shareholders experience who work directly with factories cutting out middlemen and their mark-ups which benefits all of our customers.